Sunday, June 8, 2014

Parking Lot Fight - (foul language)

I figured this would be a funny story to share. 

My family is visiting this weekend and I was convinced to get out and have dinner with my mom and brother. I was asked to drive since I was more familiar with where we were going, but I was offered in my mom's car. We get in. I start the car. I look around.... no back up camera. I'm pretty sure I've forgotten how to drive without it. Needless to say... we then got into my car.

Of course it is going to be busy and parking is going to be a pain. It's a busy shopping center and Saturday night. Lucky for us the first lot we pulled into had someone pulling out.

This is where it gets interesting.

Did I notice there was a car in front of me with their blinker on? Yes. Did I think they were waiting on this spot? No. Why the heck would you PASS THE SPOT if you wanted it? I figured there was someone else pulling out in front of them. 

I pulled into the spot and as I'm completing the turn I notice this man has stuck his head out of his window at this point. We stayed in the car for a minute waiting for him to drive off... He did not. He then proceeds to APPROACH MY WINDOW! Are you freaking kidding me? It's a PARKING SPOT! He immediately starts yelling me about how he was waiting on this spot and how rude I am blah blah blah. Given the circumstances of what I have been through and am still going through this man is lucky to be alive. Every ounce of me wanted to take all my anger, pain, and sadness out on this man. 

Yes, I got defensive. Let's start with the fact that you PASSED THE SPOT. He claims he was going to 'back into it.' I understand for a lot of people it is much more convenient to back into a spot... but technically it is ILLEGAL. You are not supposed to. If it's not busy and you have the opportunity to do it... fine. But, this was not that situation. If you are determined to back into a spot at least wait in the appropriate place for the car to leave... THEN PASS THE SPOT to back in. How the hell am I supposed to know that's what this man wanted to do. He was a good 4-5 parking spots passed where this car pulled out. 

I will be the first to admit how irritating it is for people to steal a spot you have been waiting on. When you've been sitting there with your blinker on and they take they're sweet time leaving and someone from the other direction sweeps in and takes it. It INFURIATES me. Still... I do not approach peoples' cars and start yelling at them over it. 

He then proceeds to point out how I'm getting angry and claims that this is because I knew I was stealing it. No... I'm pissed as hell that you approached my car over a parking spot. You are obviously an able bodied individual. You can certainly walk a little further. I considered moving for a second because If he honestly was waiting for it I did feel bad. Although I'm not entirely sure he was... His car was still moving forward as this other car started pulling out. I think he just noticed it right after he passed it and then decided he wanted it. 

Sorry sir. It doesn't work like that. I am the queen of passing spots right as people start pulling out. It is extremely irritating. But nothing I'm going to get my panties in a wad over. 

I MIGHT have considered pulling out a little more seriously had he not yelled at me. After that little performance... I think not. 

This man doesn't have a clue of all the pent up anger and energy that I have boiling inside of me. It won't take much for me to just let it all out on some asshole over a parking spot. Lucky him not having anything going on in his life that he can get so focused on a parking spot. 

Whatever. So we then proceed to walk to the restaurant. He drives around and approaches us again and starts yelling at me AGAIN from his window. Are you kidding me?! Pull the giant stick out of your ass dude! At this point I was still so mad that he approached my window that I looked him directly in the eye, with a giant smile on my face and said 'I'm sorry' and continued walking. 

Lucky for him I wasn't alone. Had I been alone I might have had more of a 'scared' factor going on. Who knows how violent this man might have gotten. Adrenaline was already kicking in. Or if I had Todd in the car. Who knows what I would have done to him. I still wish I could have somehow gotten a punch thrown in there. 

I was expecting my car to be keyed or window busted when I got back.... It wasn't luckily. He was definitely mad enough to though. 

I did however enjoy my P.F. Chang's and lettuce wraps :) I wonder how much he enjoyed his evening? 

After everything that has gone on with Todd it makes you realize what's really important and what really matters. A parking spot is not. 

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