Thursday, May 8, 2014


No situation is ever easy. If something can be called a 'situation' that pretty much means it's complicated. 

Todd currently can't walk. Can't move anything purposefully. We'll be going to rehab, but there isn't any way to gauge how much he'll get back or how soon/fast. 

We currently live in a townhouse... Todd's room, of course, is on the 2nd floor. Right now, we can carry him up and down the stairs... not the safest idea in the world. Not to mention that he will grow, he will gain weight... at what point is this no longer physically possible? In the grand scheme of things... we are going to have to move. On top of everything going on right now with him medically, we have to deal with this. It's not fair, it sucks. We LOVE where we live. We love the school district. We love the friends Todd has in the neighborhood. For the time being we can convert our dining room into a bedroom. The problem with this is that I know I won't be sleeping in my bed if this is the case. He's too far away. I'll either be sleeping in the bed with him or sleeping in the living room on the couch. This does not seem very ideal either. Plus, we'd be eating off our coffee table in the living room. 


We have to give a 60 day notice to our complex. Technically our lease is up on July 20th.... that means we have to give notice in the next 2 weeks... but we don't have time to look for anything. Not to mention, how stressful is moving? VERY. We JUST DID IT. We moved this last time in the hopes that we wouldn't move again until we moved away from this city. Why can't things just be simple? Simple answers. Simple solutions. Aren't we dealing with enough?

Our next 'situation' is insurance. I have amazing insurance... through my job... that I'm not currently working at. I have to go back at some point to ensure I can keep it. We applied for Medicaid, but as of right now, he only qualifies to be on it so long as he is 'in a facility.' So the second we bring him home... no more Medicaid. When we bring him home I need to be there to take care of him, not at work. Home care, equipment, supplies... this all adds up. Simplicity if a foreign term to me. Oh, and just let me tell you about SSI. If I go back to work I make, in their terms, 'WELL above the poverty line,' on my sole income. I need to go back to work to keep my insurance like I said. If I don't go back to work, we qualify, but we can't live off that amount of money. The woman I actually met with was actually very nice and did everything she could for me. However, Mr. Security Guard almost had a come apart when I walked in with a water bottle. Excuse me, when did it become a federal offense to drink water? He could have politely showed me the sign that said no food or drinks instead of pretty much verbally assaulting me. 

Can we just catch a break? A little one....?

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