Thursday, July 10, 2014

Back Together

We are finally ALL back together! ... the fur babies are home!!

As if we weren't busy enough, let's throw our 2 dogs back into the mix.... but seriously, we missed them.

I was super nervous to bring them back home. Hooper, the lab sized one, is a big giant clutz and thinks he's the size of Brody, the shih tzu, who is also always underfoot. As annoying and crazy as these dogs can be, we love them, and our family wouldn't be complete without them. Our house doesn't feel quite so dead anymore. They definitely bring life back into it. Makes it easier to be here after everything that has happened.

Not to mention they ADORE Todd. Brody is constantly being caught laying right next to Todd, whether he is in the floor, on the couch, or in bed. Hooper is constantly giving Todd kisses... every time he walks by him. He's Todd's watch dog. Always observing what's going on with him. He'll walk over if Todd starts to cry. As clumsy and crazy as these dogs are they are still aware. They know something has changed with Todd. They know to be gentle around him.

They are certainly happy to be home as well. We pulled into the neighborhood and both dogs almost lost it waiting to get out. Normally Brody would run off and chase something or Hooper would just go exploring... they both bolted for the front door. They knew which one was theirs. They were home.

We also made a big trip down to South Florida this past week. Another nerve wracking experience. I was already nervous having Todd in the car for 5 minutes... but, 5 hours?! He did well. Better than I expected. I feel like if we continue making trips we just need to get rid of the apartment and live in an RV haha. We literally brought our entire house with us... excluding the walls and plumbing ;) We got a lot of wedding stuff done, so hopefully only one more trip down and everything will be done. According to my countdown (but who's counting?) we have 5 months and 17 days! Holy cow. I feel like it's been over a year away the whole time and now only 5 months! I would say 'where has the time gone?' but I already know the answer to that question.

Now it's time to REALLY get settled back into life and the world. We'll be interviewing private duty nurses soon, I'll be going back to work, Brian will start his last year of vet school in a month. I've started going back to the gym (unfortunately you either gain weight or lose it with stress... I gained... and a certain important dress is just a wee bit on the tight side :O)

I guess this wound up being more of an update post... I'll pour out the emotional junk next time ;)

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