Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Of course I feel guilty. Guilty for all the times I said no. All the times I lost my temper. All the times I raised my voice. I was by no means a perfect mother. Guilty for not spending enough time with him. Guilty we didn't go more places. Guilty we didn't go to his beloved McDonald's one more time. People tell me I did my best. What if my best wasn't enough? I had all these plans for us. For once Brian got out of school. Once I went back to school and graduated. Once we had more money.
         Todd has been begging for a sibling, specifically a sister, for a while now. I even feel guilty for not doing that... although that's not very realistic at the moment, nor has it ever been.
         There are so many shoulda, coulda, wouldas....
I wasn't supposed to be at work that day. I had switched shifts with someone so we could go to my Mom's the weekend before. What if I had been off. What if I had picked him up from school like he always asked. He wanted to be carpool pickup randomly so many times, but I also knew he would miss going to O2B. What if he had been with me?
          All the times he asked me to sleep with him. All the times he asked me to cuddle with him after work and I was so exhausted I just wanted to shower and go to bed. There are so many things I would have done differently. He doesn't deserve this. No child does. We tried to avoid this. We had him followed by cardiologists from the time he was born. Did we do enough? When they saw him in August there were some abnormalities, but nothing that shouted 'I have a cardiomyopathy.' We even did a holter monitor for 24 hours. Should have I pushed more to look into the abnormalities?
          Every time I manage to get out and make it into a store I get these feelings. You know the typical child, looking at all the candy right there by the register. All the toys and fun things. He always wanted something. I could have given him that bag of cheetos. I could have given him that Hershey bar.
          We were still learning how to ride a bicycle. He hadn't quite gotten the hang of the 2 wheeler. I should have gone out with him more. I want him to have the childhood he deserves... the life he deserves. This isn't it. This is so much less. I want to make him smile again. Make him laugh again.
          It's hard to not feel guilty when you are responsible for someone. He adored me. He wanted me all day every day. Now he has that, but not for the right reasons. I should have given him more of me sooner.

1 comment:

  1. my dear child...I don,t know any mother who hasn,t guilt for not devoting every waking moment with their child. but we know the decisions we made were for their own good even if we wanted to give them everything. have no guilt; I've never witnessed such a stouthearted woman. you are a shining example of a mother. still offering prayers for all of you.
